Preparation for Child Psych PRITE and Boards
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Anorexia nervosa (AN) was first described in 1689 by Richard Morton, who called it nervous consumption. In 1870's Sir William Gull in England coined the terms anorexia nervosa while Charles Lasegue in France described anorexia hysterique



Essential features of DSM-5 diagnosis are:

  • (A)Persistent restriction of energy intake
    • This generally means BMI<17 for adults (however, those with BMI>17 may have mild AN)
    • In children, BMI below the 10th percentile is consistent with AN diagnosis (1)
  • (B)fear of become fat or persistent behaviors that prevent weight gain
  • (C) disturbance of body image

The DSM-IV requirement for amenorrhea was removed in DSM-5


1. Lock, J. Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Eating Disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2015;54(5):412–425